Friday, December 10, 2010

"A Walking Encyclopedia"

So, I mentioned yesterday in my post that I was called a walking encyclopedia by one of my coworkers (thanks, NB!). Now, I by no means claim to be an expert on any one given topic....but there are a few things that I know more about that your typical person....and it shocks people how I'm able to rattle off facts off the cuff like nobody's business...yesterday, it was in reference to my knowledge of Polio. Yes, Polio. How I know about Polio, idk, but apparently, I know about it, bc NB did her fact checking behind me....thus the ensuing tag-name. :)

So, listed below are some (by no means all....a lot of times it's just the topic coming up in conversation and I start rambling off what I know) topics of conversation here in the past few weeks that have amazed people that I know (so much) info about:

  • Plum Island. Weird, I know. Most people have never even heard of it. The person I was talking to was from around NYC, and hadn't even heard of it, and here I am rattling off all of this random info about it, including how they're wanting to move the facilities on it to Kansas...and the only part of NY I've ever been to is Rochester...nowhere near the city! It's interesting if you're up for reading about it, but be warned, it's also somewhat unsettling. You've been warned.
  • North Korea. I believe that I have watched almost all of the documentaries that are out there on North Korea. I once spent an entire weekend just reading articles on this country. It intrigues me sooooo much. I can tell you about the country's propaganda tactics, "tourism" in the country (and the requirements), the fact that there's one American defector in the country from the Korean War who is regarded as a celebrity in the country (and is in a ton of North Korean produced cinema), and way more than you ever wanted to know about the DMZ (DeMilitarized Zone), the land border that spans the length of the two nations.
  • 9/11 Conspiracies. I'm a sucker for a good conspiracy. And by no means am I saying that I believe everything out there that skeptics speculate. But after watching the documentary "Loose Change", I was kinda sucked into the realm of these conspiracies. I'll rattle off way too much stuff that will just jumble your brain. Best not to ask me. :)
  • Anything Psychology (Especially Bipolar/Schizophrenia). Well, this one is a no-brainer. And this is one of the subjects that I know there are PLENTY of professionals out there who know TONS more than me....but I do know more than even the average psych student about a lot of topics - including bipolar and schizophrenia mental health disorders. This is due in large part to my internship and part-time work experience gained in undergrad, as well as years of personal research around the two subjects. Please, if you have just a base knowledge on these two disorders, do NOT try to argue with me, because you will be owned intellectually. One of my family members (who will go unnamed) made this mistake once.
  • Women's Studies Issues. Another no-brainer, as this was one of my two minors. And because over half of the books in my collection pertain to different women's studies issues and gender issues. If you know me, you know I claim to be a feminist, but I'm not one of the super-crazy ones who goes about calling everybody out and refusing for men to open the door for me. Promise. :) But, if the topic (and need) arises, I will inform you of what I know as it pertains to this topic, including: each of the 3 "waves" of feminism and what they each centered around (and how some propose we're moving into a 4th "wave"), the different theories around feminism (and how I attribute myself more as an existential/eclectic feminist), and many other random things that will either bore you or cause you to roll your eyes (or perhaps, even both!).
  • Cults. I know I worried my parents in elementary and middle school when I suddenly took an intense interest in learning as much as I could about different cults. I was so intrigued behind their different beliefs and (yes) behind the psychology and tactics used by them. I can tell you about cults you've probably never even heard of. I can tell you alllll about Jonestown (and how they didn't drink Kool-Aid, but FlavorAid). It's rather ridiculous how much I know about this...BUT, I also know equal amount of information on:
  • The Bible. I was actually asked a few weeks ago how I know so much about the Bible. And I was asked church. Yes. At church. Didn't exactly know how to take that at first, as I was initially taken aback by the question coming to me while I was at church of all places. :) Part of this has to do with being a Religious Studies Minor (in addition to my Women's Studies Minor), but is due mostly to my upbringing and my intense involvement in church. I can tell you Greek and Hebrew roots of certain words. I can give you background history of certain periods covered in the Bible from a more historical perspective (basically, I can tell you what's happening during a certain time in history that isn't talked about in the Bible). Oh, and the fact that the the Xerxes that is portrayed in the movie "300" (YES, I know that the movie is all Hollywood...please don't call me out on this obvious fact) would be the same Xerxes that ended up marrying Esther. Yep. Booyah.
  • Other World Religions. Goes along with the Religious Studies minor territory. Name a religion, and I'll probably be able to tell you at least thing about it.
  • Serial Killers/Other Criminals. Goes along with me wanting to go into the FBI as a criminal special agent. I've spent hours upon hours reading crime profiles and case studies. Another topic that I'm sure worried my parents at one time or another. :)
  • Developmental Disabilities. I still have a TON to learn on this subject, as I work intensely in this field. BUT, I do know more than your average person about autism, Rett Syndrome, Down Syndrome, etc., and then other disabilities you've probably never even heard of, such as Smith Magenis syndrome.
  • Nazi Germany. Again, another rather disturbing topic that I just happen to know quite a bit about. And not the typical info that people know either. Again, I attribute this to documentaries and research. Geez, I'm a nerd.
  • Texas State History. Goes along with Texas state education in elementary and middle school. It seems more random than it really is when you now live in North Carolina. Hahaha!
  • US Presidents. I know some random stuff about random presidents. I can tell you all about the grassy knoll and the Texas school book depository (not only due to me having been there before). And I can tell you the ironic similarities between Lincoln and JFK.
I swear, I'm normal. (reminds of me Sheldon: "I'm not mother had me tested")

So, that's really all I can think of off of the top of my head right now....but there's a lot of other randomness where all of this came from, don't worry. If I think of any others, I'll be sure to add them to this check back, as this list is by no means complete at this point in time. :)

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