Saturday, December 11, 2010

"If You See a Light at the End of the Tunnel, It's the Light of an Oncoming Train"

Wow. That title is rather morbid. I'm a glass-half-full kinda girl, this isn't one of those kinda posts, hahaha. I was actually reading my favorite book over lunch, and came across this quote and it happened to resound with me. The quote actually comes from poet Robert Lowell, and I find it quite brilliant. Why, I'm not exactly sure.

It reminds me of the past few months for me, though. Not that they've been bad....not by any means. It's just that I've had a few more of these types of moments than I would usually have the (dis)pleasure of having lately....oh well, c'est la vie.

My best friend is quick to remind me of this more than I'd like. See, I have a conscience, a voice of reason that does it's job and does it well (most of the time, and the times it "fails", I admit, is my own darn fault), then I have my best friend as a back-up. A fail-safe. But over the past 4 months or so he has been VERY quick to throw out, "Honey, if it's too good to be true, it probably is..."

Which I find ironic coming from him, somewhat. Why? Because we both refer to our friendship as "perfect". But then again, it's not in the typical sense that you'd probably expect. We don't have the "perfect" friendship in the sense of our interactions. Heck, he ticks me off. I tick him off. I snap at him, he snaps back. We actually just ended a stalemate of not talking for over a week - and neither of us exactly knows why we stopped talking (so, we're both chalking it up to our graduate studies bogging us down, as well as the other hassles of life right around this time - sounds good and works for us!).

So, how do we define "perfect" in this sense? We balance each other superbly. He's the yin to my yang. I'm the peanut butter to his jelly. That week+ that we didn't talk? Yeah, we picked up just like we hadn't skipped a beat...we just click in a way that most people have a hard time finding with another's pretty cool...I could never take my friendship with him for granted.

Anyway, I I said, I like to consider myself an optimist (with the exception of the few off-days where I switch perspectives). But I need to teach myself how to keep things in perspective in a better way. I do believe I sometimes set myself up for disappointment - not talking about earth-shattering disappointment. I just like to see the best in most situations.

I actually had an instance of this in the last week. Ehh. It is what it goes on, and I'm better off for it. For the people in my life who come and go (or even stay) and have caused the disappointment in my life, that's on them....not my problem. I let the disappointment come and go, let the moment pass me by as quickly as possible, and I move on. My life is by far too short to dwell on the disappointments. Plus, they've only made me stronger - never have they weakened me.

I hate the whole saying of "Don't set expectations, and you'll never be let down." I need to have expectations. They're also called standards. I think every person should have quite a few of these in their life...otherwise, what's the point? So I can't go by this whole "fly by the seat of your pants" mentality. If someone falls short of my standards then it's up to me to determine whether or not it's worth it to keep them an active part of my life. People aren't disposable, but the relationships I have with them are in my book - not the most encouraging thing I've said today, but still very true.

I'll be honest, I have no idea where this post came from - well, actually, it all came from that quote. All of this from a quote. Heh. Well, at least I got some stuff off of my chest that I felt I needed to say. I don't care if anybody reads this. Just writing this post was cathartic enough for me. :)

Now, on with my day. I'm off to save the world. (Or, more realistically, go see my newly-re-discovered, old ASU friend Amy (and my parents...can't forget them!) and then babysit a very cute little boy!)

Song on tap: "Ashes and Wine" - A Fine Frenzy

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