Tuesday, December 14, 2010

And a Partridge in a Pear Tree...

So, I was walking through Target tonight, trying to get some of my Christmas shopping completed (which, may I add, I completed half of my gift-purchasing this evening. I'm rather proud of myself!), and I started thinking about some of my favorite things...not just this time of year, but all-year as well. I decided to make my own "12 Days" of my favorite things!

1. Q'Doba. For those of you who know me well, you know I have a problem. The problem begins with a "Q" and ends with a "Doba". I eat here all the time. No. Seriously. You must not have read that correctly. ALL THE TIME. You know it's bad when the manager at the store near your work knows you on a first-name basis. Yep. True story. I once ate the Doba 6 out of 7 days in a week. Yep. True story x2.

2. The fact that Christmas break is only DAYS away (at least in terms of school). I CAN'T WAIT for a break! You really take your summer and Christmas breaks when you actually get SUBSTANTIAL breaks...my summer break? A week. So, Christmas break is what I now look forward to annually, as this is the longer of my breaks throughout the year...

3. My screenplay. I cracked this beast open for the first time in almost a year tonight. And I'm excited. Because of my previously mentioned favorite thing, I will be trying to hash out the remainder of my script by mid-January, and at least get it ready for editing and review. CAN'T WAIT!

4. My cousin coming in town in about a month. I love my cousin. And he's coming in town sooooooon....before leaving for S. Korea (lucky duck). He's like my brother...at least I like to think that he's like my brother :) Plus, I've been a bad cousin and haven't sent him a gift I bought him a few months ago, so I FINALLY GET TO GIVE IT TO HIM! (Sorry, Lucas...I know, I suck...)

5. My best friends - Shades and Creeperbait. I met one in undergrad, and the other in grad school. I clicked immediately with both. People have asked me if I've known each of each of these wonderful people for much longer than I actually have (some people actually thought that I came into grad school already bff with CB - ehh, not the case - we met in our interviews). I live over an hour away from both. I have my own special lingo with both - thus their code names, hahaha...I LOVE THEM BOTH SO MUCH!

6. On that same note - MY WOLFPACK. Crepperbait just-so-happens to fall in this category as well. But what can I say, my wolfpack keeps me sane in class most of the time...plus they just make me laugh. A lot.

7. My I-pod. I seriously feel naked if I don't have my ipod with me. It's like I don't have a hand - or something like that, lol. I HAVE TO HAVE MUSIC. Plus, I have some pretty awesome music on there, not to mention a kick-a playlist that myself and Shades have compiled over the past few months. Yep. Pretty awesome. Let's just put it this way - I dropped my ipod in water and fried it a while back...instead of letting my dad work his magic for a week to see if he could resurrect the water-ridden ipod, I HAD to go get a new one that next day. At least, I say I HAD to. Because seriously, I would've died. Fo'realz.

8. The fact that I finally feel somewhat normal. They might not know what in the world is wrong with me, but at least my doctors have figured things out enough to get me feeling normal. The medications, supplements, and vitamins they have me on FINALLY have me feeling like I'm on a genuine up-swing. Yay! It's about darn time. I go back at the end of the month for a routine blood-screen to make sure that my levels are still on the rise. They should still be, but keep your fingers crossed too! :)

9. Sleep. You don't truly understand just how meaningful sleep is until you're at a point where you're constantly playing a catch-up game with it. And I'm not just talking about staying up late every night one week, and needing to catch-up in a day or two. Oh no. For me, it feels like a never-ending, eternal struggle to try to catch up on sleep. My hemoglobin, iron, and oxygen levels still aren't at 100% capacity, so therefore my energy level is not either - thus my constant need for sleep. When I say I can sleep all day, I mean it. I will wake up at 9am and fall back asleep within an hour, wake up around 2, fall asleep again by 3, and wake up around 7, only to turn around and fall asleep for the rest of the night. YEP. The rest of the night. And even after these all-day sleep-a-thons, I'm still in desperate need of sleep catch-up. And the vicious cycle repeats itself. :( But, don't get me wrong...I LOVE me some sleep. :)

10. Webcams. I ventured into the world of Macs this last year, and along with that got my first webcam by-proxy. I love being able to not only chat, but see and talk to my family and friends all over the world - whether it be my sister in Kannapolis, picking up her 70lb bulldog for me to see him (even though I just saw him the week previous), to Shades, to my friend stationed in Dubai. It's just really cool to be able to actually video chat with people.

11. Lulu. Lulu is my wonderful new car. :) She's a khaki Honda Element. I <3>

12. Bella and Buster. Bella is my princess, and Buster is my little man. Or, like my mom likes to put it, my rat and bugg. Bella is my little 12 week Chihuahua puppy, and Buster is my 3 year old Bugg (1/2 pug, 1/2 boston terrier) doggy. I love them both immensely. They're precious.

It's 9:34 and I'm exhausted. See what I mean about this whole sleep deprivation thing? Yep, it's for real. I hope you all have had a wonderful Tuesday. I love you all!

Song on Tap: "Hallelujah" - Paramore

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