Wednesday, January 13, 2010

***Organizational Restructuring***

I mean the title partially in jest, but mostly seriously...I have been thinking that I need an organized outlet for my writing, and have determined that writing randomly on here would be a good source. Yet, I don't want my writing to be TOO random, because I wan't people to have a reason to come read and critique what I write, so, I have decided to give some structure to each day of the week that I may blog. So, without further adieu, here are the daily topics/themes of my blog (and, this is the only time I use these lame title alliterations. I use them now only for explaining purposes).

Memory Monday (MM): On Mondays, I'll pick a photo from one of the MANY boxes of photos I have and upload it to my blog. Attached to the photo will be a story of either what is going on in the photo, or the first memory that comes to mind from the photo. I'm actually pretty excited about this one!...well, actually, all of them!

Tirade Tuesday (TT): So, a local radio station that I listen to has a segment every Tuesday afternoon called "Tirade Tuesday" in which listeners call in and complain about anything that has come up either in their life or in the news, etc. in the previous week. I'm always too chicken to call in, so, I've decided to let this be my outlet of my complaints/gripes. DON'T WORRY: I assure no personal attacks or ugliness. Most things will be kept to a general theme, and not focused on any body, group, or thing in particular.

Wishful Wednesday (WW): On Wednesdays, I will focus on a wish or goal that I have for myself/life/those I hold dear.

Thoughtful Thursday (THTH): On Thursdays, I will focus on a special organization or person who is making a profound impact in their community (not necessarily local to myself) and in the world. I will attach links to their websites or whatnot, and explain why I think what they do is so important.

Family Friday (FF): Each Friday, I will focus on a member of my family and share a story (or two) concerning them. You'll get to know more about me and where I've come from...

Song Quote Saturday (SS): I have the tendency to get hooked on a song for a period of time and listen to it for a while...a good while. So, on Saturdays, I will post the lyrics to a song that I have either been listening to a significant amount of time, or that has had a significant impact in my life in the past. The lyrics, artist, and some extra explanation/story will be included with these entries.

Random Sunday (RS): Okay, so I know this doesn't work with the whole double letter theme I had going on with the other six, but hey, a girl can only do so much. This will just be a day for random reflections, thoughts, or ideas...hey, God rested on the seventh day! My seventh day doesn't have to have absolute structure! :)

That's not to say that there may not be a second posting each day of something totally unrelated to the theme for the day...I'm just sticking to these themes to give me some extra direction in my writing routine. :)

OH! And feel free to comment/participate. That will only help encourage me to keep going...


  1. I love your organizing...but the family member writing / sharing thing is a little scary! (grin) Oh many stories as I've shared about you girls over the years, I guess this is just the beginning of payback! Love you anyway...always!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. A Good blog always comes-up with new and exciting information, thank you for sharing useful content.
    Organizational Restructuring
