Friday, January 15, 2010

FF #1: BUSTER!!!!

Okay, so this may be an easy way out of this post, but hey, I'm not feeling the best, and I love this little guy! My puppy (he's actually 2 years old, but I call him a puppy), Buster, is a special little guy to me...I call him my "son", since I'm not married, and I don't have children. :) It's just me and him day in and day out in our quaint little apartment, and honestly, if it wasn't for him, I don't know what I'd do.

Buster is a special hybrid dog called a Bugg. He's half Pug, half Boston Terrier (my sister's sweet dog, Roxie, is a full bred Boston...and NO, she's not Buster's mama). I got him 2 years ago this February, when he was about 4 months old, and a tiny little thing.

Other than getting into chocolate while I'm gone, and giving his mama a heart attack (ahem!), Buster is a really good little guy...a little quirky, but hey, that just means that I'm meant to have him!

I don't really know what I'd do without him here....He keeps me sane...and entertained.

So, if you ever come over, or just have the general pleasure of meeting little Buster, be prepared: He's a bundle of energy. He is notorious for running laps around my apartment at FULL sprint, and jumping at faces in excitement. :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

THTH #1: "Hey, I Know You"...

To get things started with my "restructuring", I have decided to focus on a group today that I admire greatly, not only because of the field that I work in (I work with ESUCP, an organization that works with children & adults with developmental disabilities and special needs), but because I hold this family very near and dear to my heart.

The foundation of focus in this post is the Ben Yorgey Foundation. I never personally met Ben in person, but I am friends with his older brother, Travis, and his family. And through Travis, I learned a lot about who Ben was, and what a great person he was to be around. To read about Ben's life, click here.

The foundation has an amazing purpose and goal, and is focused on a specific need in their community (Lehigh County, PA) that usually does not get met in many, unfortunately. The title of my post comes directly from the foundations URL: and is reflective of the type of person Ben was through and through.

The motto, too, is highly reflective of the life Ben lived: Never meet a stranger. There is no such thing. Love everyone.

I encourage anyone who may read this that is from the Lehigh County, PA area or who may know anybody who lives nearby to participate in the foundation's events that they are sponsoring. And I encourage everyone, no matter where you may live, to get involved in your community, small (local) and large (world-wide), in some way, shape or form. It's an amazing feeling that I can't even begin to describe.

I never imagined that I would find so much fulfillment working in the field that I do today, and I wish everybody had the same understanding and compassion as some of the individuals I encounter on a daily basis who don't have all of the same abilities as everyone else. I'm amazed on a daily basis at the abilities of those who have been told since they were born that they "would never...(fill in the blank)..." It's something that I will continually treasure every day of my life, and it has taught me to no longer put limits on myself. If I personally could tell anybody anything it would be to not only underestimate each other, but don't ever underestimate yourself. :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

***Organizational Restructuring***

I mean the title partially in jest, but mostly seriously...I have been thinking that I need an organized outlet for my writing, and have determined that writing randomly on here would be a good source. Yet, I don't want my writing to be TOO random, because I wan't people to have a reason to come read and critique what I write, so, I have decided to give some structure to each day of the week that I may blog. So, without further adieu, here are the daily topics/themes of my blog (and, this is the only time I use these lame title alliterations. I use them now only for explaining purposes).

Memory Monday (MM): On Mondays, I'll pick a photo from one of the MANY boxes of photos I have and upload it to my blog. Attached to the photo will be a story of either what is going on in the photo, or the first memory that comes to mind from the photo. I'm actually pretty excited about this one!...well, actually, all of them!

Tirade Tuesday (TT): So, a local radio station that I listen to has a segment every Tuesday afternoon called "Tirade Tuesday" in which listeners call in and complain about anything that has come up either in their life or in the news, etc. in the previous week. I'm always too chicken to call in, so, I've decided to let this be my outlet of my complaints/gripes. DON'T WORRY: I assure no personal attacks or ugliness. Most things will be kept to a general theme, and not focused on any body, group, or thing in particular.

Wishful Wednesday (WW): On Wednesdays, I will focus on a wish or goal that I have for myself/life/those I hold dear.

Thoughtful Thursday (THTH): On Thursdays, I will focus on a special organization or person who is making a profound impact in their community (not necessarily local to myself) and in the world. I will attach links to their websites or whatnot, and explain why I think what they do is so important.

Family Friday (FF): Each Friday, I will focus on a member of my family and share a story (or two) concerning them. You'll get to know more about me and where I've come from...

Song Quote Saturday (SS): I have the tendency to get hooked on a song for a period of time and listen to it for a while...a good while. So, on Saturdays, I will post the lyrics to a song that I have either been listening to a significant amount of time, or that has had a significant impact in my life in the past. The lyrics, artist, and some extra explanation/story will be included with these entries.

Random Sunday (RS): Okay, so I know this doesn't work with the whole double letter theme I had going on with the other six, but hey, a girl can only do so much. This will just be a day for random reflections, thoughts, or ideas...hey, God rested on the seventh day! My seventh day doesn't have to have absolute structure! :)

That's not to say that there may not be a second posting each day of something totally unrelated to the theme for the day...I'm just sticking to these themes to give me some extra direction in my writing routine. :)

OH! And feel free to comment/participate. That will only help encourage me to keep going...


WOW. It's been a while. "A while" is actually a gross understatement. For someone who loves to write as much as I do, this is just obscene. But, it's a new year...(yes, maybe almost halfway into the first month of the new year, but a new year nonetheless), and I've made a promise to myself to be more disciplined in my writing.

I guess part of the turn off from habitually writing comes from the fact that I have already spent 4 years in an undergraduate college program in addition to 1 semester of graduate school -- and still have 3 more years of graduate school "to look forward to"...FOR MY MASTERS (please, oh please, don't even begin mentioning DOCTORATE...although I'm already scouting out programs and schools).

You see, when you're in college (undergrad/grad/what-have-you), and ESPECIALLY when you're in a liberal arts field like myself (I have my BA in Psychology and two minors in Religious and Women's studies), you don't get handed worksheets. You don't have lovely fill-in-the-blank answers and multiple choice questionnaires (not saying that there is any one program that really does have these -- I'm just speaking from experience.)

NO. You have to explain. You have to know (some of us more and better than others). You have to be able to be eloquent, educated, while being concise (something I have always struggled with -- thanks mom (: ). You aren't tested by how perfect your circles around your "D" is, or based off of penmanship.

No. You have to write. Papers. And I'm not talking a 2-page response to some nonsense article you may have read.

No. How about a 35 page final paper in RESEARCH METHODS based around figures, charts, and statistics. ENTHRALLING, I know. Hey, at least I got an "A". :)

So, that brings me to this point where I'm at now. There is always going to be a part of me that is sad that I never followed through with my creative-writing (double) major (believe me, I wouldn't ever give up my psychology degree for anything in the's too much fun!), but I have to remind myself that what I have concerning my creative writing abilities is a natural, God-given gift, and nothing any professor could have taught or necessarily perfected. You can't LEARN to be a passionate writer. It's just something you are. And while my preferred areas of writing are rather unique from the majority of the creative-writing population (I'll take {screen}playwriting any day over poetry or prose), I find pleasure in all facets.

So, here goes.

My (2009) Year in Review (In no particular/chronological order):
  • I graduated Cum Laude from UNC Charlotte (like I said, with my BA in Psychology and 2 minors in Religious and Women's Studies) -- wicked awesome.
  • I almost lost my baby sister (the only sibling I have) to 3 blood clots. A week after being admitted into ICU and many pain medications later (for her, not for me, of course), I came to truly appreciate the little sister God had given me 20 years ago. I'm thankful everyday that He has given her more time with us -- or us more time with her.
  • Said baby sister (from above) GOT MARRIED!!! -- YAY!
  • Along with bullet #3, I got a BROTHER (in-law). But, I just leave off those last two words. :)
  • I joined the ridiculous world of "Twilight" -- BUT, I made sure to not finish ALL of the books in the two week span that I had going...I have yet to finish the second half of the last book...but that will happen one day. Oh, and I'm TOTALLY team Edward. ;)
  • I celebrated the second year of being with the love of my life, Billy. It's been such a great time so far, and continues to only get better! I can't wait to see what God has in store for our futures together.
  • I met a girl who is fast becoming one of my closest, dearest friends. I met Stephanie originally at our interview for our graduate program, and then when we went to orientation and began classes, we became quick friends. I don't know what I'd do without Stephanie...she's awesome!
  • I moved out on my own. Now, throughout college I was out on my own from time to time -- like Freshman thru half of sophomore year I lived in the dorms at ASU -- but with a roommate. And then I moved home for another year and a half -- with my family. Then I moved into a house with 2 other girls -- and two dogs and two cats. FINALLY, I'm on my own. With my dog. In my own apartment. Just me, myself and I (and Buster).
  • I got two tattoos. Yes, you read that right. TWO. One on the inside of my left wrist that is the Hebrew word for Grace. I got that one July 3. The other is a "C.R." that I designed myself on the top-center of my right foot. Got that one December 17. First one burned. Second one hurt. If you have gotten a tattoo, you understand what I'm trying to describe, lol.
  • I began my graduate career at Gardner-Webb University. I'm studying Mental Health Counseling, and I'm a semester in (and a week away from beginning my second semester!), in which I was able to start off my Masters degree career with a 4.0! :)
  • I got my first "big-girl" job!!! -- yes, salaried, with PTO, benefits and all that jazz!!! I'm an ICS Supervisor with Easter Seals UCP, and could not love my job any more than I do! I am so blessed to have been given this opportunity!
So, what's going on with 2010? Well, I don't like New Years Resolutions, soooo...I decided to quit some bad habits a few months before the turn of the New Year. I stopped biting my nails (yay!), and gave up caffeine and adding salt to my food (double yay!). Now, a new goal: Not to drastically cut my hair at all this year...trims and styles, okay...but no drastic cuts. My hair has never been as long as it is today...and I love it!

Also, I am aiming to finish one, if not two, screenplays. I'm just waiting on getting my new computer so I can install my marvelous Christmas gift, Final Draft -- which is official screenwriting software (thanks mom and dad!). Just a few more weeks, and I'll be there! Can't wait! I already have a 10 page + storyboard outlined, and it's still growing. Just have to get cracking on the actually layout and dialog!

Well, that's about it for now....I'm tired, and I need to get ready for bed. :) (Some things never change!)