Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Exhaustion is so....well, exhausting

Good news: Last time I went to see my doctor (the AMAZING JLW) a little over a month ago, I asked for bloodwork to be done again - crazy, right? Me actually asking for a horrid needle to be placed in my arm for bloodwork! Who would've ever imagined? She came back with EXCELLENT news - My iron is FINALLY at a normal, healthy level! This is so encouraging seeing as how I've been chronically anemic ever since I was 12 years old - and, like I've talked about before, it's gotten so bad in the past couple of years I have had to be hospitalized because of it. So - I'm getting better. Still on my supplements and pills to maintain and still increase these levels, but I don't mind as long as I'm healthy.

Moderate news: Given my bloodwork results, my doctor informed me that I'm B12 anemic. I've been taking B12 ever since - and I've noticed a slight difference in my energy level - I find myself being much more productive and proactive in my school work and my tasks at work, but this leads me to...

The not-so-good news: I'm still incredibly exhausted. And I don't know why. I can pass out cold at the drop of a hat if given the opportunity. It's not unheard of for me to take a nap (or two) before bedtime after work if I have nothing to do (that means a nap after 5pm and before 11pm). I have no idea what's causing this - but it's getting annoying. I'm ready to be over this. Hopefully I can get some answers soon...because like the title of this says, being exhausted all of the time is exhausting in and of itself.

In other news, my cousin made it to South Korea safely yesterday (I guess it would've technically been today to him...I'm not exactly of the specific time differences - but I believe that it's Thursday there as I'm writing this, although it's only 20 minutes from Thursday here, lol). He's in the Air Force - he'll be there for over a year I believe. Please just be in prayer for his safety if you don't mind. He's essentially like my brother, and I really care about him (as I do the rest of my family). I'm so glad I got to see him for a few days back in January - spending time with him is so refreshing, especially seeing as how I only saw him on two occasions growing up until I was about 21 years old.

I have some exciting things happening in my life currently. I am so blessed for an amazing family, amazing friends, awesome job and coworkers, I'm getting more involved in one of the best churches I've been to, and a relatively easy semester for school this year (at least I think so because I'm so intrigued by the topics of both classes...I'm a nerd). I'll share more as time goes on, but let's just say I'm one happy girl right now.

Well, I'm tired (who's surprised by that? I don't think anyone is at this point), I'm gonna go ahead and go to bed. I hope everyone is doing well...


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

And a Partridge in a Pear Tree...

So, I was walking through Target tonight, trying to get some of my Christmas shopping completed (which, may I add, I completed half of my gift-purchasing this evening. I'm rather proud of myself!), and I started thinking about some of my favorite things...not just this time of year, but all-year as well. I decided to make my own "12 Days" of my favorite things!

1. Q'Doba. For those of you who know me well, you know I have a problem. The problem begins with a "Q" and ends with a "Doba". I eat here all the time. No. Seriously. You must not have read that correctly. ALL THE TIME. You know it's bad when the manager at the store near your work knows you on a first-name basis. Yep. True story. I once ate the Doba 6 out of 7 days in a week. Yep. True story x2.

2. The fact that Christmas break is only DAYS away (at least in terms of school). I CAN'T WAIT for a break! You really take your summer and Christmas breaks when you actually get SUBSTANTIAL summer break? A week. So, Christmas break is what I now look forward to annually, as this is the longer of my breaks throughout the year...

3. My screenplay. I cracked this beast open for the first time in almost a year tonight. And I'm excited. Because of my previously mentioned favorite thing, I will be trying to hash out the remainder of my script by mid-January, and at least get it ready for editing and review. CAN'T WAIT!

4. My cousin coming in town in about a month. I love my cousin. And he's coming in town sooooooon....before leaving for S. Korea (lucky duck). He's like my least I like to think that he's like my brother :) Plus, I've been a bad cousin and haven't sent him a gift I bought him a few months ago, so I FINALLY GET TO GIVE IT TO HIM! (Sorry, Lucas...I know, I suck...)

5. My best friends - Shades and Creeperbait. I met one in undergrad, and the other in grad school. I clicked immediately with both. People have asked me if I've known each of each of these wonderful people for much longer than I actually have (some people actually thought that I came into grad school already bff with CB - ehh, not the case - we met in our interviews). I live over an hour away from both. I have my own special lingo with both - thus their code names, hahaha...I LOVE THEM BOTH SO MUCH!

6. On that same note - MY WOLFPACK. Crepperbait just-so-happens to fall in this category as well. But what can I say, my wolfpack keeps me sane in class most of the they just make me laugh. A lot.

7. My I-pod. I seriously feel naked if I don't have my ipod with me. It's like I don't have a hand - or something like that, lol. I HAVE TO HAVE MUSIC. Plus, I have some pretty awesome music on there, not to mention a kick-a playlist that myself and Shades have compiled over the past few months. Yep. Pretty awesome. Let's just put it this way - I dropped my ipod in water and fried it a while back...instead of letting my dad work his magic for a week to see if he could resurrect the water-ridden ipod, I HAD to go get a new one that next day. At least, I say I HAD to. Because seriously, I would've died. Fo'realz.

8. The fact that I finally feel somewhat normal. They might not know what in the world is wrong with me, but at least my doctors have figured things out enough to get me feeling normal. The medications, supplements, and vitamins they have me on FINALLY have me feeling like I'm on a genuine up-swing. Yay! It's about darn time. I go back at the end of the month for a routine blood-screen to make sure that my levels are still on the rise. They should still be, but keep your fingers crossed too! :)

9. Sleep. You don't truly understand just how meaningful sleep is until you're at a point where you're constantly playing a catch-up game with it. And I'm not just talking about staying up late every night one week, and needing to catch-up in a day or two. Oh no. For me, it feels like a never-ending, eternal struggle to try to catch up on sleep. My hemoglobin, iron, and oxygen levels still aren't at 100% capacity, so therefore my energy level is not either - thus my constant need for sleep. When I say I can sleep all day, I mean it. I will wake up at 9am and fall back asleep within an hour, wake up around 2, fall asleep again by 3, and wake up around 7, only to turn around and fall asleep for the rest of the night. YEP. The rest of the night. And even after these all-day sleep-a-thons, I'm still in desperate need of sleep catch-up. And the vicious cycle repeats itself. :( But, don't get me wrong...I LOVE me some sleep. :)

10. Webcams. I ventured into the world of Macs this last year, and along with that got my first webcam by-proxy. I love being able to not only chat, but see and talk to my family and friends all over the world - whether it be my sister in Kannapolis, picking up her 70lb bulldog for me to see him (even though I just saw him the week previous), to Shades, to my friend stationed in Dubai. It's just really cool to be able to actually video chat with people.

11. Lulu. Lulu is my wonderful new car. :) She's a khaki Honda Element. I <3>

12. Bella and Buster. Bella is my princess, and Buster is my little man. Or, like my mom likes to put it, my rat and bugg. Bella is my little 12 week Chihuahua puppy, and Buster is my 3 year old Bugg (1/2 pug, 1/2 boston terrier) doggy. I love them both immensely. They're precious.

It's 9:34 and I'm exhausted. See what I mean about this whole sleep deprivation thing? Yep, it's for real. I hope you all have had a wonderful Tuesday. I love you all!

Song on Tap: "Hallelujah" - Paramore

Monday, December 13, 2010

Not Trying to Be a Grinch...

...but if I haven't informed the general public, let me go ahead and put it out there: I don't dig Christmas music. NOT my favorite thing. I know people who break out their Christmas cd's on November 1st and play them on hardcore repeat up until January 1st (which, might I add, as of Dec. 26th, you are officially 364 days EARLY with the Christmas music. The Christmas "holiday" - i.e. the time in which it's appropriate to blast 'Feliz Navidad' a gazillion times over - ends at 12:00am December 26th. This is the time all Kenny G and Glee Christmas albums must be retired until the deemed appropriate time the following year), and LOVE IT.


Not I. You will never find me placing myself in that category.

Now, don't get me wrong....I like Christmasy music, but in small doses. And by small doses, I mean I enjoy (most) Christmas programs in which Christmasy music is sung...especially if they involve a choir of 30 4-year olds trying to out sing each other while they wave to their moms in the audience. I enjoy Christmas music on, oh - CHRISTMAS DAY (and I'll even throw in Christmas Eve for good measure)...but much beyond that? You're pushing your luck.

Now, I'm talking about the Rudolphs and Sleigh Bells and whatnot when I talk about these songs irritating me so...the songs that actually express the real meaning behind the Christmas season I'm MUCH more tolerant of...

So, what is this mini-tyraid all for? - you're probably asking. Oh, just got to thinking about if I could ask for ANYTHING for Christmas, what would the list include...(I know, totally unrelated to Christmas music...but it was a means to an end) and this is the list I came up with (some, I know, are completely unrealistic - that's the point by my emphasized ANYTHING...but some are still on the rather practical side....hint, hint):

1. An endless gas card: I drive. A LOT. I drive to and from work. To and from school. To and from my folks. To and from church. To and from, to and from, to and from....and it only seems like my list of commutes only continues to get added to, thus decreasing the gas gauge read on my Element quicker and quicker. If I had a gas card, I could, know...make that cross-country drive that I've been dreaming up over the last year with no problem whatsoever. That would make me a very happy girl.

2. Florence + the Machine Concert Tickets: Anywhere. Any date. I don't stinkin' care! I just want to see her in concert...NOW. But, I do ask, if someone happens to get me tickets at a venue that happens to be more than a, oh, 5 hour drive away, please provide the plane tickets as a perk gift. :)

3. The complete works of Sia: Yes, very practical. Not hard to come by. And it would only provide me with hours upon hours of musical enjoyment - musical enjoyment that can help me drown out the droning tuneage of "Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer" for the bazillionth time.

4. Plane ticket to North Korea: but this would also require that you receive clearance on my behalf to even get into the country, so this looks like it'll have to be a "surprise" gift to myself, from myself. (And if you find this item strange, read my post from last week....)

5. Yoga classes: WOULD BE AMAZING! (if my schedule wasn't crazy jam-packed) However, I did find out about a place in Charlotte that offers free yoga three times a week....I'm about to go hit that up!

6. For my friend's Christmas wishes to come true: Some of my friends have some pretty awesome Christmas wishes...most of which are pretty stinkin' practical if I do say so myself. I want them to come to fruition. Somebody, get on top of this, NOW. :)

7. This shirt, this shirt, and this shirt. But especially this shirt: Yeah, I got bored tonight. And the site that these lovely shirts come from kept me entertained for the better part of the evening. (D - don't even say anything about the last one! lol)

That's all I can think of right now, but I'm sure more will come to me...and when they do, I will be sure to add the additions to my list. :)

I'm tired...actually, exhausted is more like it. I'm going to bed.

Song on tap: "Breathe Me" - Sia

Saturday, December 11, 2010

"If You See a Light at the End of the Tunnel, It's the Light of an Oncoming Train"

Wow. That title is rather morbid. I'm a glass-half-full kinda girl, this isn't one of those kinda posts, hahaha. I was actually reading my favorite book over lunch, and came across this quote and it happened to resound with me. The quote actually comes from poet Robert Lowell, and I find it quite brilliant. Why, I'm not exactly sure.

It reminds me of the past few months for me, though. Not that they've been bad....not by any means. It's just that I've had a few more of these types of moments than I would usually have the (dis)pleasure of having lately....oh well, c'est la vie.

My best friend is quick to remind me of this more than I'd like. See, I have a conscience, a voice of reason that does it's job and does it well (most of the time, and the times it "fails", I admit, is my own darn fault), then I have my best friend as a back-up. A fail-safe. But over the past 4 months or so he has been VERY quick to throw out, "Honey, if it's too good to be true, it probably is..."

Which I find ironic coming from him, somewhat. Why? Because we both refer to our friendship as "perfect". But then again, it's not in the typical sense that you'd probably expect. We don't have the "perfect" friendship in the sense of our interactions. Heck, he ticks me off. I tick him off. I snap at him, he snaps back. We actually just ended a stalemate of not talking for over a week - and neither of us exactly knows why we stopped talking (so, we're both chalking it up to our graduate studies bogging us down, as well as the other hassles of life right around this time - sounds good and works for us!).

So, how do we define "perfect" in this sense? We balance each other superbly. He's the yin to my yang. I'm the peanut butter to his jelly. That week+ that we didn't talk? Yeah, we picked up just like we hadn't skipped a beat...we just click in a way that most people have a hard time finding with another's pretty cool...I could never take my friendship with him for granted.

Anyway, I I said, I like to consider myself an optimist (with the exception of the few off-days where I switch perspectives). But I need to teach myself how to keep things in perspective in a better way. I do believe I sometimes set myself up for disappointment - not talking about earth-shattering disappointment. I just like to see the best in most situations.

I actually had an instance of this in the last week. Ehh. It is what it goes on, and I'm better off for it. For the people in my life who come and go (or even stay) and have caused the disappointment in my life, that's on them....not my problem. I let the disappointment come and go, let the moment pass me by as quickly as possible, and I move on. My life is by far too short to dwell on the disappointments. Plus, they've only made me stronger - never have they weakened me.

I hate the whole saying of "Don't set expectations, and you'll never be let down." I need to have expectations. They're also called standards. I think every person should have quite a few of these in their life...otherwise, what's the point? So I can't go by this whole "fly by the seat of your pants" mentality. If someone falls short of my standards then it's up to me to determine whether or not it's worth it to keep them an active part of my life. People aren't disposable, but the relationships I have with them are in my book - not the most encouraging thing I've said today, but still very true.

I'll be honest, I have no idea where this post came from - well, actually, it all came from that quote. All of this from a quote. Heh. Well, at least I got some stuff off of my chest that I felt I needed to say. I don't care if anybody reads this. Just writing this post was cathartic enough for me. :)

Now, on with my day. I'm off to save the world. (Or, more realistically, go see my newly-re-discovered, old ASU friend Amy (and my parents...can't forget them!) and then babysit a very cute little boy!)

Song on tap: "Ashes and Wine" - A Fine Frenzy

Friday, December 10, 2010

"A Walking Encyclopedia"

So, I mentioned yesterday in my post that I was called a walking encyclopedia by one of my coworkers (thanks, NB!). Now, I by no means claim to be an expert on any one given topic....but there are a few things that I know more about that your typical person....and it shocks people how I'm able to rattle off facts off the cuff like nobody's business...yesterday, it was in reference to my knowledge of Polio. Yes, Polio. How I know about Polio, idk, but apparently, I know about it, bc NB did her fact checking behind me....thus the ensuing tag-name. :)

So, listed below are some (by no means all....a lot of times it's just the topic coming up in conversation and I start rambling off what I know) topics of conversation here in the past few weeks that have amazed people that I know (so much) info about:

  • Plum Island. Weird, I know. Most people have never even heard of it. The person I was talking to was from around NYC, and hadn't even heard of it, and here I am rattling off all of this random info about it, including how they're wanting to move the facilities on it to Kansas...and the only part of NY I've ever been to is Rochester...nowhere near the city! It's interesting if you're up for reading about it, but be warned, it's also somewhat unsettling. You've been warned.
  • North Korea. I believe that I have watched almost all of the documentaries that are out there on North Korea. I once spent an entire weekend just reading articles on this country. It intrigues me sooooo much. I can tell you about the country's propaganda tactics, "tourism" in the country (and the requirements), the fact that there's one American defector in the country from the Korean War who is regarded as a celebrity in the country (and is in a ton of North Korean produced cinema), and way more than you ever wanted to know about the DMZ (DeMilitarized Zone), the land border that spans the length of the two nations.
  • 9/11 Conspiracies. I'm a sucker for a good conspiracy. And by no means am I saying that I believe everything out there that skeptics speculate. But after watching the documentary "Loose Change", I was kinda sucked into the realm of these conspiracies. I'll rattle off way too much stuff that will just jumble your brain. Best not to ask me. :)
  • Anything Psychology (Especially Bipolar/Schizophrenia). Well, this one is a no-brainer. And this is one of the subjects that I know there are PLENTY of professionals out there who know TONS more than me....but I do know more than even the average psych student about a lot of topics - including bipolar and schizophrenia mental health disorders. This is due in large part to my internship and part-time work experience gained in undergrad, as well as years of personal research around the two subjects. Please, if you have just a base knowledge on these two disorders, do NOT try to argue with me, because you will be owned intellectually. One of my family members (who will go unnamed) made this mistake once.
  • Women's Studies Issues. Another no-brainer, as this was one of my two minors. And because over half of the books in my collection pertain to different women's studies issues and gender issues. If you know me, you know I claim to be a feminist, but I'm not one of the super-crazy ones who goes about calling everybody out and refusing for men to open the door for me. Promise. :) But, if the topic (and need) arises, I will inform you of what I know as it pertains to this topic, including: each of the 3 "waves" of feminism and what they each centered around (and how some propose we're moving into a 4th "wave"), the different theories around feminism (and how I attribute myself more as an existential/eclectic feminist), and many other random things that will either bore you or cause you to roll your eyes (or perhaps, even both!).
  • Cults. I know I worried my parents in elementary and middle school when I suddenly took an intense interest in learning as much as I could about different cults. I was so intrigued behind their different beliefs and (yes) behind the psychology and tactics used by them. I can tell you about cults you've probably never even heard of. I can tell you alllll about Jonestown (and how they didn't drink Kool-Aid, but FlavorAid). It's rather ridiculous how much I know about this...BUT, I also know equal amount of information on:
  • The Bible. I was actually asked a few weeks ago how I know so much about the Bible. And I was asked church. Yes. At church. Didn't exactly know how to take that at first, as I was initially taken aback by the question coming to me while I was at church of all places. :) Part of this has to do with being a Religious Studies Minor (in addition to my Women's Studies Minor), but is due mostly to my upbringing and my intense involvement in church. I can tell you Greek and Hebrew roots of certain words. I can give you background history of certain periods covered in the Bible from a more historical perspective (basically, I can tell you what's happening during a certain time in history that isn't talked about in the Bible). Oh, and the fact that the the Xerxes that is portrayed in the movie "300" (YES, I know that the movie is all Hollywood...please don't call me out on this obvious fact) would be the same Xerxes that ended up marrying Esther. Yep. Booyah.
  • Other World Religions. Goes along with the Religious Studies minor territory. Name a religion, and I'll probably be able to tell you at least thing about it.
  • Serial Killers/Other Criminals. Goes along with me wanting to go into the FBI as a criminal special agent. I've spent hours upon hours reading crime profiles and case studies. Another topic that I'm sure worried my parents at one time or another. :)
  • Developmental Disabilities. I still have a TON to learn on this subject, as I work intensely in this field. BUT, I do know more than your average person about autism, Rett Syndrome, Down Syndrome, etc., and then other disabilities you've probably never even heard of, such as Smith Magenis syndrome.
  • Nazi Germany. Again, another rather disturbing topic that I just happen to know quite a bit about. And not the typical info that people know either. Again, I attribute this to documentaries and research. Geez, I'm a nerd.
  • Texas State History. Goes along with Texas state education in elementary and middle school. It seems more random than it really is when you now live in North Carolina. Hahaha!
  • US Presidents. I know some random stuff about random presidents. I can tell you all about the grassy knoll and the Texas school book depository (not only due to me having been there before). And I can tell you the ironic similarities between Lincoln and JFK.
I swear, I'm normal. (reminds of me Sheldon: "I'm not mother had me tested")

So, that's really all I can think of off of the top of my head right now....but there's a lot of other randomness where all of this came from, don't worry. If I think of any others, I'll be sure to add them to this check back, as this list is by no means complete at this point in time. :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The First Ever Lindsay Recommends List...

So, here are 10 things that I highly recommend....I have a feeling that this list will be music-heavy, but I'll try to keep it relatively even-spread. :) (And no, these are in no particular order)

#10: Anything by A Fine Frenzy

First, let's get one thing straight - A Fine Frenzy is NOT a band. Alison Monro IS A Fine Frenzy. And she, as well as her voice, IS beautiful.

I say I recommend anything by her, which is very much true...but may I suggest your first three downloads (and yes, in this order): Almost Lover (Remix Edit - NOT the original), Near to You, and Blow Away. Yes, the latter of those is much more upbeat then the other two, buttttt the other two are quite possibly two of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. The lyrics are so poignant and deep...LOVE HER!

Video for Blow Away:

Video for Near to You (Not an actual music video, but it still has the song):

Video for Almost Lover (And this is the remix's better than the original IMHO):

#9: List Universe -

Okay, so I'll be the first to admit that I'm a nerd. A complete and utter nerd. A few of my posts in this will prove this to be true, including this one. List universe is AMAZING. I discovered probably my sophomore or junior year of my undergraduate career, and have checked it everyday lie. I love random knowledge. I was actually called a walking encyclopedia today by a coworker. It made me smile. :) Everyday there is a new top 10 list. Now, I'm not promoting every list on the website....but I find quite a few of them very's definitely worth a looksie! :)

#8: "An Unquiet Mind" by Kay Redfield Jamison

One of my favorite books ever, and I'm not even done with it. It's a memoir written by a psychiatrist who is herself diagnosed with Manic Depression (i.e. Bipolar Disorder). Her story highlights her struggles to regulate herself on her medications, her career, etc. Very good read! (See, I told you I'm a nerd)

#7: Inception

So, there's a rule in my family that I'm not allowed to buy myself anything after Thanksgiving day until after Christmas just in case I happen to purchase myself something that someone else has already gotten me as a gift. Which is why I'm struggling really bad....I have every want, desire, and urge to go across the street to Walmart right now and buy a copy of Inception. But, alas, I'm gonna stick to the rules laid out before me and not do so...see mom? I can obey! ;) (Oh, and that better be wrapped under the tree for me Dec. 25th! lol!)

I LOVE this movie. As an aspiring screenwriter, I am envious of the script...the cleverness, the cohesiveness, the minimal loose ends in such an intense story line. It's superb. 7 out of 5 stars in my book. :)

#6: "Lungs" by Florence + the Machine (yes, the entire album)

Florence + the Machine is one of my all-time favorite bands, and they're actually a relatively newly realized band to me. Amazing, unique sound....and very eclectic style-wise. LOVE it!

(Oh, and it never hurts when Glee covers one of your songs, too!)

Dog Days are Over Video (One of my top 10 songs):

Drumming Song Video:

#5: Big Bang Theory

Yes, I'm a nerd! We've already been over this! But seriously - this is the all-time funniest show I've ever watched. It's the one show I can watch time and time again and laugh each and every time. :)

My sister made fun of me when I first told her how much I love the I have her just as hooked (if not more so) than myself!

And one of the funniest scenes ever just-so happens to be appropriate for this time of year!

(Oh, and I definitely have a "Bazinga!" window decal on my window of my Element)

#4: In The Life of a Child blog by Childlife -

I stumbled upon this blog one day while looking at the blogs of one of the families I work with. The mom just so happened to follow this blog herself. And, once I started, I couldn't stop reading - it's HILARIOUS! She updates almost every Saturday, so I know I always have something to look forward to at the beginning of the next week!

#3: My Nook

I was really reluctant to venture into the world of an E-Reader. If you know me, or have ever been to my apartment, you know from the get go that I LOVE books....and I was afraid that by purchasing one of these, it would take away from my love of having books on my shelves. And while I admit, I do have a couple on my bookshelf just for show (i.e. Fennegan's Wake - but seriously, has ANYONE actually ever read that book? And if you say yes, you're full of it. And if you have NO idea what I'm talking about, read this:, my Nook is just so much more convenient and practical...definitely a wise investment for me - the girl who used to have at LEAST two books on her at any given moment. :) (yes, nerd.)


My favorite band EVERRRRRRR. Plain and simple :)

Misery Business Video:

Only Exception (again, another song covered on Glee):

Brick by Boring Brick Video (one of the best music videos of all time):

#1: Getting back to blogging

Yes, I'll admit, it's an easy way out. I'm tired. So shoot me. But I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing regularly.'s a favorite right now, and highly recommended :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

So, today is Thanksgiving, and I thought, what a better day to get back to blogging?

This past year has been a year of great events, trials, changes (good and bad), complications, and exciting developments. And through it all, I'm thankful for many things.

For starters, I'm thankful for my salvation. My Jesus, my God...they're amazing. :) I don't know how I would've gotten through this past year without my faith.

I'm thankful for my family. Over the past year, I have grown so incredibly closer with my family. It's such a great feeling to be so close with your family. I have for too long taken my family for granted, and now truly appreciate what I have with them. My parents truly are awesome people - I get reminded of this by people all of the time when I tell them stories of what my parents do and say. Like, their reaction to me getting a third tattoo and my nose pierced without them knowing about it until after it all happened. My sister and brother-in-law are awesome too. While I don't get to see them nearly as much as I'd like, they're so much fun to be around.

I'm thankful for amazing friends. Over the past couple of years actually, through my graduate program, I have met truly awesome people. It's kinda funny, I've begun telling people that my graduate school experience has turned out the way I always wanted my undergraduate career to be. I have such an amazing support system and tight network of friends that I know I will continue to have even after our graduation. On this same note, I'm thankful for my best friend. The first person who truly gets me outside of my family...understands my nuances and idiosyncrasies, and still has the patience to put up with me. We are complete opposites in so many ways, but because of this, we balance each other out in such a cool way. We have a lot of things in common too, which I think adds to the reason we're so understanding of each other.

I'm thankful for my health. Yes, it may not be perfect....but I have so much to be thankful for even given that. After a stay in the hospital in January, recurring doctors visits and gamuts of testing after that, it seemed as if my health was on the rise, was getting better. After a period of about 6 months or so, something triggered in my body to repeat what had happened at the end of last year to put me in the hospital. Luckily, I was more proactive this time, and immediately began doctor visit after visit. After blood test after test, tests for cancer, blood disorders, and various other ailments I can't even pronounce the name of, doctors still couldn't give me any answers. I was an enigma....none of the doctors or specialists had an explanation. But having to go to the hospital every week for the past month for iron infusion treatments really puts things in perspective - having to sit next to optimistic chemo patients, bright eyed and hopeful, will really put you in a reality check - I really don't have it that bad. I'm blessed with good health.

I'm thankful for my job. I work with such an amazing team of people. I hear people complain all of the time about their job, and I know that I am in the minority of people who really, truly love their job and the people that they work with. I'm so blessed to be working in the field that I'm in as has proven to be so rewarding personally, I love it.

I'm thankful for heat in my car. Lame, I know, but very, very true. For those of you who haven't heard the drama, I bought a new car, and soon came to find out the heat in the car was no longer working (lovely, huh?) Well, my dad is amazing, and fixed it for me! And believe me, I need heat in my car during this time of the year.

I'm thankful for my education. I'm so blessed to have been able to complete my undergraduate studies and go straight into my graduate studies. It has been so rewarding. While it's challenging to balance graduate studies with a full-time job, I know it's all going to pay off in the end.

Well, that's not alllllll I'm thankful for, but it's the beginning of a rather extensive list, so I figured I'd stick to the major ones. I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving!

God Bless,