Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Exhaustion is so....well, exhausting

Good news: Last time I went to see my doctor (the AMAZING JLW) a little over a month ago, I asked for bloodwork to be done again - crazy, right? Me actually asking for a horrid needle to be placed in my arm for bloodwork! Who would've ever imagined? She came back with EXCELLENT news - My iron is FINALLY at a normal, healthy level! This is so encouraging seeing as how I've been chronically anemic ever since I was 12 years old - and, like I've talked about before, it's gotten so bad in the past couple of years I have had to be hospitalized because of it. So - I'm getting better. Still on my supplements and pills to maintain and still increase these levels, but I don't mind as long as I'm healthy.

Moderate news: Given my bloodwork results, my doctor informed me that I'm B12 anemic. I've been taking B12 ever since - and I've noticed a slight difference in my energy level - I find myself being much more productive and proactive in my school work and my tasks at work, but this leads me to...

The not-so-good news: I'm still incredibly exhausted. And I don't know why. I can pass out cold at the drop of a hat if given the opportunity. It's not unheard of for me to take a nap (or two) before bedtime after work if I have nothing to do (that means a nap after 5pm and before 11pm). I have no idea what's causing this - but it's getting annoying. I'm ready to be over this. Hopefully I can get some answers soon...because like the title of this says, being exhausted all of the time is exhausting in and of itself.

In other news, my cousin made it to South Korea safely yesterday (I guess it would've technically been today to him...I'm not exactly of the specific time differences - but I believe that it's Thursday there as I'm writing this, although it's only 20 minutes from Thursday here, lol). He's in the Air Force - he'll be there for over a year I believe. Please just be in prayer for his safety if you don't mind. He's essentially like my brother, and I really care about him (as I do the rest of my family). I'm so glad I got to see him for a few days back in January - spending time with him is so refreshing, especially seeing as how I only saw him on two occasions growing up until I was about 21 years old.

I have some exciting things happening in my life currently. I am so blessed for an amazing family, amazing friends, awesome job and coworkers, I'm getting more involved in one of the best churches I've been to, and a relatively easy semester for school this year (at least I think so because I'm so intrigued by the topics of both classes...I'm a nerd). I'll share more as time goes on, but let's just say I'm one happy girl right now.

Well, I'm tired (who's surprised by that? I don't think anyone is at this point), I'm gonna go ahead and go to bed. I hope everyone is doing well...
